Articles > Langley Manhole Rehab 360
Published: Wed, Mar 31, 2021
Contributor: Rob Epp | Profile | Articles
Here is an inside view of a very poorly conditioned manhole in the Township of Langley BC before we got to work. This is likely the result of H2S corrosion over the years.
Post from RICOH THETA. - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Our team then descaled all the loose concrete and other material as shown above , washed the chamber and removed the scaled material with a Hydro-excavator.
Post from RICOH THETA. - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
We Rebuilt to wall thickness with our 6lb Polyurethane Foam (shown above), then applied our Structural Nukote PP300, and our H2S and corrosion resistant Polyurea (Nukote ST/M) for armor and future chemical restistivity. This application was applied to the barrel walls, the underside of the lid, the benching and the channel of the structure (see below).
Post from RICOH THETA. - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Many municipalities have this type of corrosion present and we provide an affordable structural repair using Trenchless technology, meaning we don't have to dig up the entire neighborhood. Our team can rehabilitate municipal assets utilizing manual application of the coatings in the chamber and robotic application to the large diameter mains if required reducing CSE Confined Space Entry. infraStruct Municipal Services specializes in Confined Space Entry (CSE) activities and specialized applications such as these.