Pumpstation Overflow Chamber Service Life Extension

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Articles > Pumpstation Chamber Polyurea Application

Published: Thu, Apr 1, 2021

Contributor: Jordon Bergen | Articles

Tags: Civil, Coating, Infrastructure, Life Extension, Liner, Municipal, Overflow Chamber, Polyurea, Pump Station, Sanitary

An investment today to save for the future.

infraStruct Products and Services recently installed a polyurea liner within a set of pumpstation overflow chambers.

The steps through this application process provide a truly waterproof membrane boasting H2S and chemical resistance to further extend the service life of these chambers.

Truly thankful for guys like the detail orientated Brad Olsen pictured here laying on the floor to ensure we hit every angle and everything is done right the first time.

Contact your local infraStruct representative to learn how this technology can help extend the life of your aging infrastructure.

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