Stop Leaking Manholes And The Cost Of Treating Groundwater

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Articles > Stop Leaking Manholes And The Cost Of Treating Groundwater

Published: Tue, Mar 15, 2016

Tags: Alberta, Cost Saving, Groundwater, Groundwater Infiltration, Grouting, Infrastructure, Leaking Manholes, Municipal, Prime Resins, Wastewater Treatment, Water, Water Ingress

Are you paying to treat groundwater that leaks into your sewer and wastewater treatment system?

In the spring time, most people are excited about the snow melting and summer starting, but it also means more leaking manholes for municipalities, (especially in areas that have a high water table). This costs a lot of taxpayers’ dollars.

Water Cost Example

One manhole has a ¼” diameter hole. 225,000 gallons of groundwater leaks into the sewer system through this manhole every month. An average water treatment cost is about $1.75 per 1000 gallon, so this single ¼” diameter hole is costing the owner $393.75 per month.

If your system has 5 leaking manholes, you’d be spending an extra $1,968.75 to treat the groundwater that leaked into your system. A lot of people don’t recognize this problem and realize just how much they are paying to own a leaking manhole.

Alberta Leaking Manholes

One of my local municipalities in Northern Alberta has about 200 manholes. Over 60% of their manholes are leaking groundwater into their sewer system.

Martech (now infraStruct) is helping this town’s Public Works department use Prime Resins to stop the leaks.

By stopping the ingress of groundwater into their wastewater treatment system, their investment can be paid back within a couple of months. If you look at the math, we can help save hundreds of thousands of dollars for this municipality within a year.

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