Articles > This Overbuild Chamber Contained Seven Leaking Pipe Interfaces
Published: Wed, Sep 30, 2020
Contributor: Jordon Bergen | Articles
Weighing in at 4.8m deep and 1350mm across, Coming to us from a high water table, lake filled country; This overbuild chamber contained 7 leaking pipe interfaces, numerous cracks in the lower barrel, a failed lower riser joint, one abandoned pipe and bench leaks around the entire circumference of the chamber.
Went a full 2 rounds with this one.
On day one, we sealed up the large leaks, notably that fire hose beside the 16" inlet (pictured).
Returning on day two after the water table had stabilized, rising over 2 meters to cause leaks at the inspection pipe on an outside drop system; Additionally, the lower riser joint, and numerous hairline cracks in the lower riser barrel were now allowing ground water to enter the chamber.
Another one for the books.