Struggling to keep your lagoons in compliance? Tired of spending huge dollars to dredge your lagoons? Tired of systems that consume a ton of electricity and still not producing the results you need?
The Easiest Way to Maintain and Operate your Lagoons!
The Lagoon Master mimics a secondary clarifier in a lagoon or pond. By using moving water to continuously roll along the bottom of the lagoon, the sludge and all bottom sediments, become activated – eventually, completing the digestion of all of the organic matter in the bottom sediments. This process eventually performs the following:
Eliminates the organic solids in the sludge completely through microbial digestion.
Provides enough dissolved oxygen to keep the entire microbial population alive and thriving.
Oxidizes, through continual vertical mixing, all of the trapped waste gases (nitrogen, ammonia and H2S) in the water column and sludge, thereby cleaning the water.
Eliminates all odours in the body of water.
Eliminates stratification and seasonal turnover throughout the entire body of water.
Reduces the sludge buildup to the point that pond/lagoon dredging is set back indefinitely.