Toolboxes > Infrastructure Rehabilitation > Pipe Abandonment
Tags: Abandoned, Abandonment, Civil, Grouting, Infrastructure, Pipeline, Pipes, Polyurethane Foam, Sanitary Systems, Sewer Pipes, Sewer Systems, Water Pipes, Water Systems
Abandonded pipes can eventually create hazards at the surface. Using advanced grouting technologies we can help you address the problem before it becomes a hazard.
infraStruct uses our proprietary 2-part Polyurethane Foams to abandon existing piping alignments and systems in place. We perfected the mix design working with local consultants and municipalities, sometimes in challenging circumstances due to ground conditions. Our materials have similar properties to CDF and because our foam expands 30:1 it completely fills the pipe whereas other products that self level simply cannot. We access these alignments through manholes or where required we excavate and remove the top of the pipe and inject at different stations.